Datapoort: UWV use case


Manon Ziech, PhD, Jennifer Coffeng, PhD, Nina Wijnands, PhD, Sandra Brouwer, PhD, Raun van Ooijen, PhD.


This project focuses on the collaboration between Datapoort (see and UWV (The Institute for Employee Benefits Schemes). One of the most important goals of Datapoort is to help with socio-medical issues that are important for policy development. The UWV itself already works with various data sources to solve questions and problems. However, in practice it appears that there are many situations in which external data is required, such as information about diagnostics and treatments of clients. In this project we investigate and evaluate how Datapoort can support the process of linking multiple data sources, including data from UWV. Specifically, we will examine how Datapoort can support the process of clarifying the research question, initial data explorations up to and including the first data request and issue. We do this using a use case.

Use case

Almost half of all WGA benefits concern people with mental health issues as their first diagnosis (UWV annual report 2023). Anxiety and mood disorders are common conditions. Various occupational healthcare professionals and healthcare providers play a role in the care surrounding absenteeism and mental health issues. The occupational physician is responsible for (social-medical) guidance and advises returning to work. The occupational physician can also refer to interventions that help with reintegration. Employees with anxiety or mood disorders are first referred to the general practitioner or mental health practice assistant (POH-GGZ) and then, if necessary, to specialized (2nd line) mental health care specialists. However, due to waiting times for mental health care specialists, it may happen that employees do not sufficiently reintegrate into work due to the lack of suitable treatment. In addition, the treatment may not be effective, which means that reintegration into work does not occur.

In this use case, we therefore investigate the following questions that require multiple data linking:

  • Which treatments are used (GP, POH-GGZ, 2nd line)?
  • Which treatments ensure medical recovery and better labor participation?
  • To what extent do waiting lists cause postponed treatments and increased WGA inflow?

The results of this research can be used by occupational physicians and insurance physicians for more evidence-based advice aimed at medical recovery and labor participation, such as the use of a targeted intervention or coordination with the practitioner. In addition, it can be evaluated which and how many patients do not receive suitable treatment due to waiting lists within the mental health care domain and the effect of this on the WIA inflow.


The objective of the project is to test in practice the support that Datapoort can offer when it comes to knowledge questions that require data coupling from multiple sources. Specifically, we focus on clarifying the research question and exploring the data needs. In addition, we investigate whether existing procedures, such as data issuance and data coupling, work well when it comes to multiple data.

Expected results

Various products will be delivered as a result of this project. A procedure will be developed for the clarification of the research question and the first data exploration in the Datapoort network. The research question from use case will also be answered. This will result in a knowledge product. Feedback will be given to Datapoort about the practical experiences with the previously developed procedures.

External website



Up date: 24-12-2024

Manon Ziech

M.L.W. (Manon) Ziech, PhD

Insurance physician - Senior Researcher, Department of Health Sciences, Community and Occupational Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen BIG nummer: 49066813601